Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Do you think its right that all mexicans that come here are sent back and sometimes they loose there familys? What do you think about it?


Today people are loosing there jobs because of on how technology has increased. Do you think thre is a solution?

Monday, May 18, 2009


Do you think that the Dogers are going to play good even though they lost there best player Manny Ramirez? And why do you think Manny takes drugs?


Are u a lakers fan? If u are explain what made u be one? And if ure not explain why ure not one?

Monday, May 4, 2009

Animo's Sports

Do you think that Animo's sports teams are weak? What do you think they need or what they should improve on? Explain.


In the future what kind of job do u plan on having on? Do you think with ure skills you would be able to earn that job?


Do you like Mr.Seagals project or little teacher thing? Do you think its stupid? Explain?